Portrait Artist, Luana Luconi Winner Looks Forward to Getting Up in the Morning

Luana Luconi Winner is a famed classical portrait artist, beloved teacher, and Italian arts tour guide (she informs that Italy was the birthplace of the first annotated music, which was recorded on illuminated manuscript using brush and quill). You may recognize Ms. Winner’s work from the covers of Strathmore art products.

Recently, Winner recreated the portrait of William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham, that was destroyed in the 2010 Chatham County Courthouse Fire.  Currently, she is working on a new instructional book.

Luana’s philosophy:
“As the world around us changes and new pressures crush even the most willing souls, great literature and art are the only things that can feed us and bring us back to life.”

For more insight, read her blog and listen to the following interview:
Luana Luconi Winner

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